Lawn BuilderSeed & Feed Kikuyu 1.4KG | Searles Gardening

Lawn BuilderSeed & Feed Kikuyu 1.4KG

Lawn BuilderSeed & Feed Kikuyu 1.4KG
Lawn BuilderSeed & Feed Kikuyu 1.4KG
Scotts Lawn Builder Kikuyu Lawn Seedwill bring tired lawns back to their full glory
Scotts Lawn Builder™ Seed & Feed Kikuyu Lawn Seed is a blend of kikuyu and annual rye; the rye is included for fast greening and to provide a protected environment for the slower germinating kikuyu seed
Includes Scotts Lawn Builder™ Seed & Turf Starter Slow Release Lawn Fertiliser provides the new grass with nutrients for up to three months
Once established the kikuyu lawn seeds will provide a beautiful, low maintenance lawn with excellent wear tolerance. The annual rye will die off in the heat of summer

100m2when used to oversow
50m2when used to establish new lawns


Sowing and repair of kikuyu lawns anywhere


Do not attempt to raise lawn seed in very dense shade - lawn grasses need direct sun for at least part of the day to thrive