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Choosing the best flowering plants to feature in your garden and in pots which flower during the height of the summer months can take some thought. We take the guess work out for you and the below list are our summer flowering picks.
Hydrangeas Hydrangeas have large blooms with equally large leaves to match. Hydrangeas look tidy planted in feature pots at entranceways and around entertainment areas. More info…
Agapanthus Agapanthus are low maintenance plants and are well known for giving spectacular summer colour in gardens around houses and along fence lines and driveways. Agapanthus can tolerate dry summers in a sunny to shaded position. Planting ideas for Agapanthus are endless due to new varieties available on the market. See varieties
Zinnias Zinnias are perfect for summer gardens. Zinnias flower from late spring to early winter. Their bright soft daisy-like flowers stand out in the garden when other plants stop flowering. Zinnias enjoy sunny positions. Deadhead regularly and liquid fertilise with Searles Flourish to encourage better flowering. Zinnias vary in growth habit, ranging from dwarf size to small shrubs. Some are annuals, others perennials.
Hibiscus Want drama in the garden? Hibiscus flowers are dramatic with their bright big blooms sitting proudly above deep green foliage. They are traditionally planted in tropical style gardens for that 'tropical' feel, but they look equally stunning in other types of gardens. Read more
Crepe myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) The crepe myrtle is another Searle favourite! Crepe myrtle trees flower profusely with compact crepe-like blooms throughout the hot summer months and follows the next season by losing its leaves in late Autumn to show off, other draw card, its textured bark. In warmer areas flowering can start from late spring and finish in Autumn. This small tree grows well in most Australian gardens. Crepe myrtle flowers are available in a range from white to pinks to purple and mauves. Low growing, compact varieties are available too for smaller gardens. Newly bred forms are more resistant to diseases like powdery mildew, look out for ‘Indian Summer’ series. You can prune your crepe mrytle to keep it compact but many gardeners leave them alone, as their natural branch formation is highly desired.
Frangipani The frangipani flower is the emblem of summer. Its sweet fragrance stops walkers in their tracks to admire its attributes. This tree can reach about 6m in height making it perfect as a shade tree on the western side of your home. They do grow slowly so you can keep them in a pot on patios for the first few years to admire them. There are hundreds of different varieties of frangipani and an endless colour range to match. Visit your local garden centre to smell and see which frangipani colour and scent captures your desire.
Gardenia Gardenias show off their white scented soft blooms in the warm summer months. When the gardenia is not in flower, its evergreen foliage is still a compliment to the any situation. Gardenias require sun and regular watering to bloom their best. Potted gardenias flower well in potting mix which suits their acidic requirements, such as Searles Azalea, Camellia and Gardenia Specialty Mix. To take best advantage of the sweet scent, plant in pots and gardens close to front pathway entrances and patios.
Kangaroo paws Kangaroo paws are native to Western Australia. They suit a Mediterranean climate - dry summers and wet winters. Many gardeners in temperate climates grow them successfully. Grow them in pots if the humidity is too high and protect from frost. Kangaroo paws require pruning after flowering to protect them from fungal diseases and to promote new season growth.
Bougainvillea Bougainvillea flowers are small and insignificant to the brilliantly coloured bracts that encase them. Most gardeners fall in love with Bougainvilleas for their all year blooms and hardy qualities. They tolerant any free draining soil and love the sunshine. They are synonymous with Mediterranean settings, hanging over rendered retaining walls and planted in terracotta pots. ‘Bambino’ varieties are popular with modern gardeners. Their compact habit suits most small gardens and pot plantings.
Lavender What can we 'not' say about lavender. Lavender flowers all year, tolerates dry and wet conditions and forms a neat domed like shape growing habit. One of the best features of lavender is its scent and longevity making them ideal for posies, decorating, potpourri and cut flowers. Don't plant just one, plant many. Read more
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