Growing herbs in pots

Garden - How to Grow - Growing herbs in pots planters container


Herbs are wonderful to grow in the home garden - they look good, they taste fantastic and they act as companions to other ornamental plants. Herbs are normally cultivated in vegetable gardens or potagers (a kitchen garden), or mixed with flowering plants in cottage gardens, but some herbs also grow superbly in pots.

If you are short of space or have areas where pots are both practical and pretty (for instance around a verandah) you can grow a wide range of healthy and useful herbs. Growing herbs in pots is an easier alternative to toiling a whole garden bed and pots can be moved simply to maximise sunlight requirements. 

First, you'll need a pot that will suit the size of the growing herb. If group planting use a pot about 40cm or 16" wide so you can grow a number of herbs together. The larger the pot the less maintenance is required, because large pots don't dry out as quickly as small pots do.

Select a position where your herbs in pots will be protected from strong winds but receives plenty of sun.

Next, fill the pot with Searles Herb & Vegetable Mix, keeping the soil level just beneath the rim of the pot. Do not overfill the pot or the mix will wash out when you water. Tamp the mix down lightly to remove excess air pockets. In fact, a 40cm pot will hold about one 30 Litre bag of potting mix and a 50cm pot will hold 2 bags of potting mix, making it easy to calclate how many bags you will need for your pot planting. Alternatively if you are growing organic herbs, use Searles Premium Organic Potting Mix, ideal for all organic growing of vegetables and flowers also. This product is boosted with our organic 5 IN 1 fertiliser, plus rock minerals and natural trace elements for sustained healthy plant growth.

The best herbs to grow in pots are ones that don't become too tall, such as bush or Greek basil, chicory, chives, garlic, lemon balm, marjoram, oregano, parsley, radicchio, rocket, rosemary, sage, salad burnet, savory and thyme. Mint is also excellent but it should be grown in a pot on its own because it is invasive. For instant results choose seedlings rather than seed.

A 40cm pot can accommodate four or five plants spaced evenly around the inside. Excavate a hole in the mix just large enough to fit the seedling's root ball into, backfill with a little mix and tamp down very gently. Give the plants a good watering.

Herbs are very low maintenance plants, but for good growth and flavour, they need sunlight, regular watering and some fertilising. To test whether your pot soil needs water, just feel the mix and if it is dry give it a good soak.

Give your herbs a liquid feed every two weeks with a soluble fertiliser such as SeaMax Organic Fertiliser Liquid. This acts on both the roots and the foliage, encouraging abundant growth and pest and disease resistance.

So remember, for tasty herbs in pots:


  • Use a pot suitable for the size of the growing herb and position it in full sun
  • Plant seedlings into Searles Herb & Vegetable Mix
  • Water regularly and feed with SeaMax Organic Fertiliser

Searles Garden Products - Soil mix fertiliser plant food for growing herbs in pots



Herb & Vegetable
Specialty Mix


Organic Premium Potting Mix

SeaMax Organic Fertiliser Liquid