Growing and Planting Thyme

How to grow and plant thyme


Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a low spreading evergreen perennial herb with small wiry stemmed branches. From late spring to summer tiny flowers of pink, purple or white appear in great numbers adding an extra charm to gardens.  Thymes spreading habit makes for attractive pot displays, ground covers, coastal plantings and for sprawling over rockeries.


Thyme lays claim to many medicinal benefits, including antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. It is a popular choice for herbalists, many using its oil for fragrances and disinfectants.


Thyme can be planted any time of the year in a full sun position in soil enriched with well composted manures for water retention. Ensure excellent drainage.


Thyme likes its soil on the dry side, so it grows well in a Mediterranean climate and in dry gardens. Water when the soil dry dries out and a little more often in warmer weather. Cut back dead flower heads to promote new growth and to keep compact.


Liquid feed with SeaMax Organic Fertiliser Liquid during the main growing season. Protect from frost by adding a thick layer of mulch around the plant to insulate its roots. They may die back in areas with very cold Winters.


Thyme Varieties
They are over 350 varieties of Thyme. Look out for the popular Lemon thyme (Thymus citriodorus) which has lemon scented foliage and Red Creeping Thyme (Thymus serpyllum Coccineus), a very dense, low creeping variety with aromatic foliage and masses of pink to red flowers.


Best ground cover plants - Thyme



Easy to grow herbs - Lemon thyme

Growing and fertilising thyme herb



SeaMax Organic Fertiliser Liquid