What does Clover look like and how to control it?
Clover makes up a large family of both ornamental and weed species. It is a low growing, clumping perennial legume that has the ability to develop its own source of nitrogen as nodules on its roots systems and can grow easily and quickly in poor soils. It is not fussy on soil type and can be found in both sandy and clay soils.
Recognising clover weed in lawns and garden
Clover can be easily recognised by the three-lobed foliage with its distinctive dark markings and clusters of white flowers held above the foliage. Each plant emerges from an underground bulb which in turn produces numerous bulbils that have the potential of establishing large colonies in lawn or compacted soil.
How to effectively control clover in lawns and gardens
Although seen as a troublesome weed in many states across Australia, clover can be difficult to eradicate and is often a topic of debate within many gardening communities as it brings with it many valuable qualities to organic gardening practices, yet can be highly troublesome for anyone wanting the perfect lawn!
Easiest methods are selective herbicides as a spot spray method and physical removal of the clumps prior to flowering. Do not add to compost heaps as the bulbs will often survive and become spread (unwittingly) around the garden.
Once removed (from lawns) encourage strong growth from the surrounding lawn to out-compete the growth of Clover by applying good lawn fertiliser, such as Searles Robust Lawn Booster, in early spring, at the beginning of summer and then once more at the beginning of autumn.

Click to view our Searles Lawn Weed Control chart for the right lawn weed killer to use for your lawn type.
