Control Azalea Lace Bug - Treatment

How to control Azalea lace bug

Azalea lace bug (Stephanitis pyrioides) affects azaleas and rhododendrons. These tiny insects, with lace-like wings, feed on the plant’s sap, causing unsightly mottling on the topside of the leaves. In severe cases, it causes the leaves to turn yellow, then brown and leaf-drop or death of the plant will occur. Check for early signs of activity on the undersides of leaves in spring and again in autumn, by spotting eggs and spots of excrement, appearing as dark shiny film.  Control it with Searles Conguard at first sight. Importantly, spray the underside of the leaves where the insects hide.

Problem Solver-Pests-Controlling Azalea Lace Bug #searlegardenproducts

Searles Gardening Problem Solver Controlling Azalea Lace Bug